Kids Activities - Fitzroy Gardens

Your children will love this park if they're anything like my daughter.......

.......There's lots of free kids activities to do.

Fitzroy Gardens Fairy Tree

There's a three hundred year old tree carved and painted with fairies, dwarves, gnomes, koalas, flying foxes, birds and lots of other things for your kids to find........

........a miniature olde worlde English Tudor village........

........a children's playground where the kids can swing from the giraffe's ears, dig in the sandpit and slide down the dragon........

.........a little pond/fountain with statues of dolphins and turtles to look at........

Fitzroy Park playground

........and - my favourite - a conservatory full of flowers and ponds. This is so pretty it's a common wedding photograph location.........

.........The flower displays change five times a year so it never gets boring..........

.........We stumbled across this conservatory one day purely by chance but have been back loads of times since as it's so gorgeous.

Fitzroy Gardens Conservatory

If you're lucky you'll also come across free shows for children in the summer......

.......We found one last year about fairies - rather large adult size ones though - a little bit larger than those carved on the fairy tree!

Check out Fitzroy Gardens as this website sometimes has information about summer events........

........See if there's any childrens activities happening when you want to go along.

Check out the map to find where Fitzroy Gardens are. Click on the blue writing under the map for a better look.

View Fitzroy Gardens in a larger map

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