This site has been written by me personally. I decide what goes in it, what to recommend and what insider tips get included.
You'll probably have noticed that unlike many websites, I do not have Google ads plastered over the pages. The only Google ads you'll find on the site are if you use the Google searchbar as I cannot remove these.
order to be able to continue to run the site and provide you with
great free information about free and good value things to do in
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I only provide affiliate links which I believe will be of benefit to you and my aim is in fact to provide links which provide as many cost savings as possible. All of the services and products recommended on my site are also the same prices as if you were to find them on your own, they are not priced higher in order for me to get a commission.
Companies I currently have an affiliate agreement with are, and
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My integrity and your satisfaction with any of the products and services you buy through my website is very important to me. If you have any questions or comments about this disclosure page or about any of the products on this website, please do feel free to write to me through my contact page.
Thanks again for visiting Melbourne for Less.